
Refurbishment Contracts Dublin - Building Information Ireland

€28m Adare Manor Hotel Refurbishment Project in Co. Limerick

By | Industry News

Planning Permission Granted for Refurbishment of one of Ireland’s most Prestigious Hotels

Adare Manor Hotel Refurbishment

Hotel Refurbishment Value Estimate: €28 Million

Floor Area: 10,500 Sq M

Granted Permission: 19th Jan 2015

10 day free trial

Hotel Refurbishment: Internal walls/infill of opes; revisions to internal layout of lower ground floor level of hotel comprising re-arrangement and upgrade of hotel uses including demolition of spa, replacement with a new spa facility on same footprint with new external elevation/roof; A new single storey double height ballroom/conference space at lower ground floor level; provision of new hotel bedroom wing to the west arranged over 5 levels, revisions to service yard, linked to existing manor by external covered walkway; provision of additional hotel bedrooms in existing roof space & related elevational amendments, development results in 7,664sqm of new hotel floor area(increase of 31 No bedrooms), part-demolition/refurbishment of golf clubhouse, revised internal layout, new glazed façade/elevational amendments (increase in floor area of 247sqm), provision of golf club related uses in lieu of existing bedroom accommodation in carriage house; removal of existing staircase from central carriage arch to adjoining carriagehouse(Clubhouse) & new door opes, replacement of glazed corridor with new open cloister; revisions to existing car parking, re-configured/new surface carparking areas north of golf clubhouse & proposed ballroom/conference space resulting in carparking provision of 340 spaces. A new single storey energy centre(244sqm) to serve hotel complex/golf clubhouse, removal/replacement of existing halfway house with new pavilion between 9th/10th holes on golf course(52sqm); A new facilities complex comprising maintenance/laundry, staff, parking/storage(2,588sqm) ranging from 1-2 storeys located south of the Estate; provision of new vehicular access off N21 at western boundary & new security building/gates and new internal two-way road(6m wide) running for 572 metres from new access point connecting to existing estate road. Revisions to main entrance to Adare Manor, removal of existing security building/gates, construction of new single storey security building(28sqm), gates/revised boundary treatments. Hard/soft landscaping/boundary treatments; attenuation works; foul pumping station; plant; revisions to internal roads; staff/overflow car parking; changes in level; piped infrastructure/ducting; services; bicycle parking; signage & waste management; external lighting/site development/excavation works (Environmental Impact Statement submitted with planning application)

Tizzard Holdings Ltd.
Colm Hannon
Arthur Cox
Arthur Cox Building
Earlsfort Terrace
Dublin 2

ReardonSmith Architects
Sundras Naidoo
The Leathermarket
Weston St
+44 20 73786006 | info@reardonsmith.com | www.reardonsmith.com

Landscape Architect
ReardonSmith Architects
Ed Freeman
The Leathermarket
Weston St
+44 20 73786006 | info@reardonsmith.com | www.reardonsmith.com

Healy & Partners
Mike Murphy
The Mill
Glentworth Street
Co. Limerick
061 410966 | mail@healypartners.com | www.healypartners.com

Consarc Design Group LTD
Dawson Stelfox
The Gas Office
4 Cromac Quay
028 90828400 | mail@consarc-design.co.uk | www.consarc-design.co.uk

Tom Philips & Associates
John Gannon
2-3 Roger’s Lane
Lower Baggot Street
Dublin 2
01 4786055 | info@tpa.ie | www.tpa.ie

Consulting Engineer
Punch Consulting Engineers
Sundras Naidoo
Carnegie House
Library Road
Dun Laoghaire
01 2712200 | dublin@punchconsulting.com | www.punchconsulting.com

Creagh House Environmental Ltd
Creagh House
022 24433 | chenv@eircom.net

€18.6 Million in Energy Efficiency Government Support

By | Industry News

Government Announces €18.6 Million in Support for 29 Energy Efficiency Projects

Yesterday the Minister for Energy announced the approval of grants to fund 29 individual energy efficiency initiatives.  Once complete the scheme is set to achieve combined lifetime savings of €140 Million by upgrading over 2430 homes as well as at least 400 public buildings.  Funds have been allocated as part of the Government’s ‘Better Energy Communities’ scheme.

Better Energy Residential Construction

Among the projects to be awarded funding include

The upgrade of 24 houses in Castleblayney Co. Monaghan through a Credit Union and Kingspan partnership

Improvement of 99 public buildings as well as homes led by Camphill Community, a charitable trust

Retrofitting of 200 houses throughout out Co. Tipperary coordinated through Energy Communities Tipperary Cooperative Ltd

Announcing the investment Minister Alex white said  “These projects will see community co-operatives all over the country coming together with local authorities, businesses and sports clubs to improve homes and local community facilities. Energy efficiency improvements like these are demonstrating that energy efficiency technologies work, and that they deliver real benefits, which can save on bills while helping the environment”

A full list of all 2015 Better Energy Communities Projects can be downloaded below


For full details on all new construction projects, planned, Granted or commenced visit the Building Information Ireland website and register for a FREE 10 Day Trial

€91 Million Investment in Housing Sector

By | Industry News

Govt. Invests in Refurbishing, Energy Efficiency and Adapting Houses for Older People and People with a Disability

Yesterday the Minister for Housing and the Minster for the Environment both announced a €91 Million investment across a number of schemes designed to increase the number and availability of social houses, improve the standard of homes for people with a disability and also upgrading existing houses to improve their energy efficiency rating.

Residential Housing

A €20 million investment is committed to returning over 1000 vacant housing units to use, while over €50 million is committed to adapting houses for older people and people with a disability currently living in private housing and a further €11 million for local authority housing.

In an effort to meet Ireland’s energy reduction targets by 2020 another €20 million has been allocated to improve the energy efficiency of homes.

Speaking yesterday Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government said

“The funding that I am announcing today, will significantly improve the quality of life of many people across Ireland. One of my huge frustrations is seeing boarded up social housing not being used, therefore it is important to see over 1,000 vacant units come back on stream as quickly as is possible,”

This major investment will provide a significant boos to the Irish residential Construction sector across all counties.

Click below to view the county by county  across all aspects of the investment.

Click – Funding Allocation

For further information on all new private and public sector residential construction projects visit our website and avail of our 7 day Free Trial