Revisions to phased develpment to that previously granted residential estate under p16/989 & p18/302. Development will include phase 1: gladesville, change of 8 no. Semi-detached houses into 6 no. Detached houses with revised site layout for plots 52 to 59 inclusive. Phase 2: humbert close – a mix of 20 no. Units, 4 no. Two storey 2 bedroom houses and 16 no. Two storey 3 bed room semi-detached housing with revised modern elevations. Phase 3: humbert close – a mix of 28 no. Units, including 4 no. Two storey 2 bedroo terraced houses, 10 no. Two storey 3 bedroom semi-detahced, 2 no. 2 bedroom two storey semi-detached houses and 4 no. 2 bedroom bungalows, together with revised site layout and all ancillary site works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Mayo Granted permission on 2020-01-17 take the free trial here.