Alterations to previously approved residential development for 32 houses ref f14a/0483 granted by an Bord Pleanala Pl06f. 245240 comprising: (1) a revised b1 semidetached house type (8 no. ) with a larger footprint and increased ridge height, (2) reduced separation distances (min 3400) between houses & increased plot depths at sites 14 to 21 to accommodate the increased b1 house footprint, (3) repositioning of houses on sites 1-9 & 14-21, (4) elevational modifications to all houses including an additional first floor bathroom windows on the gable of the a1 house type and additional rooflights to the a2 house type, bay window modifications to the front elevation and revised render details to gable and rear elevations.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2017-04-20 take the free trial here.