The development comprises of the demolition of 3 no. two-storey dwelling houses, No. 5-7 Beechlawn, and construction of a 19-bed 2-storey and part single storey extension to the existing Beechlawn nursing home in their Place, a single storey extension to the southern end of the nursing home, providing support facilities, minor modifications to the facades of the existing nursing home, landscaping and ancillary works including the extension and reconfiguration of the nursing home car parking to accommodate a total of 30 car parking spaces. The application also includes the construction of a new 2 and 3 storey, 18-bed convent to the north of the site. The convent will comprise of new build living units, entrance space, oratory and ancillary accommodation including communal facilities accommodated in a refurbished existing stable building, a new access road, 18 surface car spaces, boundary walls, landscaping, lighting, signage and all associated site works.
To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Started on 2015-09-14 take the free trial here.