An extension to the existing Student Hub to provide a new 3-storey student facilities building (3,552 sq.m) to accommodate: – a central open auditorium space, a flat floor venue space, Student Union offices, a variety of clubs and society rooms (2 no. 100 seat, 2 no. 45 seat, 5 no. 30 seat spaces), a multi-purpose room/ dance studio and open plan office space for an enterprise suite, a convenience store at ground floor (380 sq.m including stores and welfare facilities), a café (110 sq.m); – a south facing external terrace at second floor level the provision of signage and lighting on both the north and south facades; – ancillary areas and rooftop plant space; – and all associated site development, hard landscaping, and excavation works above and below ground. The enabling works will comprise the demolition of an existing single storey element of the Student Hub (the Old Bar toilets and Conservatory areas) and of a two storey building along the Mall accommodating a convenience store and office/ classroom accommodation (1,604 sq.m of demolition in total); internal alterations at ground and first floor to the retained element of the Student Hub complex to facilitate connection to the proposed building at all levels including reconfiguring the existing first floor courtyard to provide an additional 41 sq.m of floor area.

To find out more details on this University Development in Dublin Started on 2016-08-08 take the free trial here.

Dublin City University


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