Permission for development which will consist of the construction of a two-storey (above ground) discount foodstore (to include off licence use) with a gross floor area of 2,019sqm (net retail area: 1,254sqm). The development includes the erection of 2 standing double sided illuminated signs, 1 no.illuminated gable sign, 1 no.entrance sign, 1 no. external sculpture and the provision of roof mounted solar panels. The proposed development will be served by 80 no. car parking spaces provided at surface level and in a basement car park. The proposed development also includes for the provision of a bus stop and pedestrian crossing, removal of existing boundary wall as well as all landscaping, boundary treatments and site development works, connection to existing services and all other works necessary to facilitate the proposed development The planning application is accompanied by a Natura Impact Statement
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Galway Applied for on 2020-12-11 take the free trial here.