The development consists of reconstruction, extension and landscaping works to Tearman House and immediate grounds to accommodate a residential care facility with ancillary facilities and amenities for up to 37 no. people in total. Construction will consist of internal alterations and extension to the existing Tearman House for the treatment and accommodation of 17 no. residents including ancillary treatment and staff facilities, construction of 2 no. single storey blocks for the treatment and accommodation of a further 10 no. people in each block (20 no. overall for these 2 new blocks) with ancillary treatment and staff facilities within each building, to the north of Tearman House and construction of 2 no. single storey single person short term treatment units to the west of the site for use by those within the 37 no. maximum to be accommodated on site. In addition permission is sought for the retention of removal of garden walls which have been deconstructed for health and safety purposes. The proposal includes on site waste water treatment, parking, recreation facilities and amenities, landscaping, as well as the partial removal and rebuilding of external wall within the curtilage of Protected Structure Gormanstown College (RPS MH028-104), creation of new widened vehicular access with improved access and enhanced pedestrian access and all associated works.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Meath Applied for on 2021-03-25 take the free trial here.

Tearman House (Formerly La Verna)

Plans Applied

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