The proposed residential development will be provided as follows:
122 no. Apartments in 2 no. apartment blocks 4-storeys in height at the north-western and south-western parts of the site. The apartments provide a mix of one and two-bedroom units, comprising 46 x 1 bed units and 76 x 2 bed units.
12 no. 1 bed Maisonettes and 20 No. duplexes (comprising 10 x 1 bed units and 10 x 2 bed units).
218 No. houses, comprising a variety of housing forms to include detached, semi-detached and terraced houses. A mix of house sizes are proposed to include 20 x 2 bed; 140 x 3 bed houses and 58 x 4 bed houses.
The proposed development also includes:
A childcare facility measuring approximately 191 sq.m (GFA) at ground floor level of Apartment Block B.
The provision of 633 no. ancillary car parking spaces and 340 no. bicycle parking spaces.
The provision of 2 no. ESB sub-stations, ancillary services and infrastructure works including foul and surface water drainage, attenuation areas, landscaped open spaces (approximately 13,026 sq.m, or 14.2% of the site area), boundary walls and fences, landscaping, lighting, internal roads, cycle paths, footpaths, and cycle and pedestrian connections to the R405 and the R449 Regional Roads.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Applied for on 2020-02-18 take the free trial here.