The development will consist of the demolition of 16 no. existing buildings (including a range of former Barracks buildings, the Officers’ Mess building and Water Tower structure) with a GFA of 16,115 sq.m, and the construction of a development comprising of 264 no. residential units, a neighbourhood centre comprising of 3 no. single storey retail units with a GFA of 115 sq.m, 105 sq.m and 100 sq.m respectively, a café (including gallery / exhibition area at mezzanine level) with a GFA of 300 sq.m, a two-storey childcare facility with a GFA of 680 sq.m and associated play area, all internal roads, car parking, pedestrian and cycle paths, public open space, and all
associated site and infrastructural works on an application site of c. 11.14 ha. The 264 no. residential units proposed consists of the following: • 150 no. 3 bed semi-detached houses with a GFA of 117 sq.m (Type A) • 16 no. 4 bed semi-detached houses with a GFA of 143 sq.m (Type B) • 10 no. 4 bed detached houses with a GFA of 143 sq.m (Type C)
• 14 no. 3 bed terrace houses (semi-detached) with a GFA of 117 sq.m (Type E1) • 8 no. 3 bed terrace houses with a GFA of 117 sq.m (Type E2)
• 2 no. 4 bed terrace houses (corner units) with a GFA of 143 sq.m (Type F) • 26 no. 2 bed apartments (duplex blocks) with a GFA of 82.5 sq.m (Type G) • 26 no. 3 bed duplex apartments (duplex blocks) with a GFA of 123 sq.m (Type G) • 12 no. 1 bed apartments with a GFA of 54 sq.m (Type H) The housing units are 2 to 3 storeys in height and the duplex/apartment units are 3 storeys in height. 1 no. electricity substation with a GFA of 12.5 sq.m and a bin store with a GFA of 12.5 sq.m are located at the proposed neighbourhood centre. The associated site and infrastructural works include foul and surface / storm water
drainage, attenuation tanks, 540 no. car parking spaces comprising 482 no. spaces for the residential units, 26 no. spaces for visitors and 32 no. spaces to serve the proposed retail, café and childcare units, and public open space measuring c.1.9 hectares, bin and bike stores, landscaping, boundary walls, railings and fences. A new signalised road junction providing access to the proposed development and additional road works to Hospital Street (R445) are proposed, including pedestrian
crossings, upgrades to footpaths, signage, road markings and traffic signalling. The application contains a statement setting out how the proposal will be consistent with the objectives of the Kildare County Development Plan 2017-2023 and the Kildare Town Local Area Plan 2012-2018. The subject site is zoned ‘Z -Regeneration of Magee Barracks’ in the Kildare Town Local Area Plan 2012-2018. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report, which also constitutes an Environmental Impact Statement for the purposes of the Planning and Development Act 2000, as
amended, and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2018, has been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompanies this application.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Granted permission on 2018-07-09 take the free trial here.