The site is generally bounded by Grand Canal Quay (road) to the west, Grand Canal Basin (waterbody) to the east, existing surface car parking spaces and the Alto Vetro building to the north and the Malt House building to the south. The development consists of: The demolition of the existing 2-storey office building (c.848 sqm gfa) and the construction of a 7 storey over basement office building (c.3509 sqm gfa) which will cantilever over the Grand Canal Basin from first to sixth floor level; associated roof terrace at sixth floor level; 46 no. bicycle parking spaces at basement level; and all associated site development works including ESB substation, boiler house, plant areas and bin store areas; provision of a new footpath along the western site boundary adjoining Grand Canal Quay (c. 1.1m wide); works to the quay wall along the eastern site boundary including extension of existing pathway by c. 1.2m to provide a new boardwalk (c. 2.4m total width) and associated railing (c. 1.1m high) that will cantilever over the waterbody. The main pedestrian access to the proposed building is from Grand Canal Quay, with new service access to the south and east of the proposed building. This development relates to a proposed development within the North Lotts & Grand Canal Dock SDZ Planning Scheme area.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Started on 2016-07-06 take the free trial here.

Waterways House


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