For development comprising of 43 no. residential units at as well as connection to existing public water mains infrastructure, including connection to existing foul drainage network, to serve the development, together with all associated site development works and services at Oranhill Drive, Oranhill, Oranmore, Co. Galway. The development will consist of: Construction of 43 no. residential dwellings comprising of 8 no. three bedrooms 2 storey semi-detached units, 19 no. three bedrooms 2 storey terraced units and 16 no. two bedrooms 2 storey terraced units.- Provision for public realm landscaping including shared public open spaces and playground.- Provision for 78 no. car parking spaces, 15 no. visitor bicycle parking spaces and bin collection areas.- Provision of ESB sub-station and – Construction of new vehicular access road, with pedestrian and cycle, links to connect with Oranhill Drive, together with all associated enabling works. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the application. Gross floor space of proposed works: 5013 sqm.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Galway Applied for on 2021-03-19 take the free trial here.