A development being part of an overall permitted development under Reg. Ref. 90A/2340 at Citywest Business Campus. The proposed development consists of 10 no. office buildings comprised of 7 no. 3 storey buildings and 3 no. 4 storey buildings with a total floor area of approx 35,141m2 in a Business and Technology Park at Citywest Business Campus on a site area of 7.2 hectares located to the North West of the Campus, bounded to the South by Kingswood Avenue, to the north by the old Naas Road and to the North West by the Naas Road (N7) with 2 no. vehicular access points off Kingswood Road and 3 no. vehicular access points off Kingswood Avenue. The development also consists of all associated site development and infrastructural works, open space, landscaping, surface car parking, basement car parking under 4 no. blocks A1, A2, B1 and D1 and podium car parking in the North east of the site, ESB substations and service plant.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Started on 2015-06-03 take the free trial here.

Citywest Business Campus


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