A new food market building for the preparation, packaging, storage, sale and distribution of seasonally sourced (local and imported) fruit, vegetables, food and fresh produce. It will include a single storey portal frame refrigerated warehouse structure 12. 5m. In height with ancillary two storey facilities and office building. Also included are loading dock levellers and yard area, 83 car spaces including 2 accessible spaces, 41 cycle spaces, surface water attenuation, water storage, boundary fencing, plant and plant rooms, a new vehicular entrance off the main access road, vehicle parking and enclosed van loading area. The works will include landscaping, kerbs, hard and permeable surfaces, footpaths, railings and soft landscaping. All the above includes associated ancillary works and services.

To find out more details on this Light Industrial Development in Dublin Started on 2018-05-28 take the free trial here.

Lands At Food Central (Off The Main Internal Access Road)


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