The creation of a new whiskey distillery and visitor centre and associated development located within the Slane Castle Demesne Architectural Conservation Area at Slane Castle a Protected Structure , to be set within the existing two-storey East Stableyard, West single-storey Courtyard, the East, Middle and West Farmyards and the Gardners (Eddies) Cottage and Gardens.The majority of existing buildings are presently not in any use.Part of the East range of the Stableyard is in use as office space.The site for the development is located approximately 110m to the Northwest of Slane Castle.The proposal includes the restoration and repair of existing buildings to sensitively adapt them to the new Distillery and Visitor Centre uses.The proposal minimises internal and external alterations to the existing building fabric.Where new construction is required to suplement the existing structures, it has been carefully sited and designed with appropriate materials and scale to cause the lease impact
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Meath Started on 2016-01-04 take the free trial here.