Protected structure: the development will consist of internal alterations to the protected structure and the existing 3-storey over basement return at all levels to facilitate a change of use from educational to hotel use (56 no. Bedrooms). The development will also include an extension at basement and ground floor levels to the rear of the protected structure; a fourth floor extension to the existing three-storey over basement return and the provision of a linked, five-storey extension to the rear of the site fronting onto Frederick Court. The hotel will have a gross floor area of 2,347 sq.m. and will include a restaurant, reception, kitchen and ancillary staff facilities. The development will also include piped infrastructure and ducting; roof plant; demolition and repair works to the site boundary walls; changes in level and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground on a site of 0.069 ha.
To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2016-07-28 take the free trial here.