The development comprises the removal of the portcabin structures to the east of the established Education and Research Centre (Smurfit Building) and the construction of a new 3-storey side extension onto its eastern flank in an integrated fashion. The proposed extension comprises of approximately 2,574 sq.m of floorspace, arranged over three floors to provide new large tutorial rooms at ground floor level; faculty offices and meeting rooms at first floor level and research laboratories at second floor level. Services and plant are provided at roof level. The existing building and proposed extension will be linked by an atrium for the full height of the building which will accommodate circulation and allow light into both parts of the building. The provision of the additional floor area will facilitate internal alterations/refurbishment at ground floor level within the existing building to provide a high quality and dedicated student amenity area along the full length of the existing ground floor from the existing entrance connecting to the new extension together with associated external alterations to the existing ground floor southern elevation. Other works include ancillary landscaping and associated site works and the provision of 8 no. bicycle stands at the north-western corner of the existing building.
To find out more details on this University Development in Dublin Started on 2017-01-30 take the free trial here.