Permission for development. The development will consist of: New facilities for the UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland consisting of the construction of a freestanding 3 storey building (2058.9 sqm) which will include teaching spaces, library exhibition space, Restaurant facility and ancillary areas such as office space for fulltime, part time and visiting lectures, a paved roof terrace at 1st Floor, a paved entrance plaza with access steps and an access ramp leading up from the lake, 25 bicycle stands, site signage, external lighting and the introduction of new site landscaping, services/plant on the roof, and all associated site development works. The application site is located adjacent to the existing UCD Engineering and Materials Science centre and the attenuation lake on Campus.

To find out more details on this University Development in Dublin Started on 2016-04-11 take the free trial here.

Confucius Institute


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