Sport Ireland intends to apply for full planning permission to amend the parent planning permission granted by Fingal County Council under Reg. Ref: FW09A/0061 for a National Sports Campus at a site in Abbotstown Dublin 15 of approximately 89.22 hectares. The proposed amendments relate to an area of 3ha and principally to the covered pitch building of the campus and immediate surrounding landscaping as set out below. The proposed amendments the subject of this application relate to:
1. Internal alterations to the approved covered pitch building;
2. External alterations to the appearance of the approved covered pitch building;
3. Alterations to the pedestrian access to and from the building; and finally,
4.Landscape works in association with item (3) above in accordance with the landscape masterplan approved under parent planning permission.
The proposed amendments include the following:
1.Internal alterations to the covered pitch building to include:
(a) changes to ground floor layout to consolidate all facilities other than the sports pitches within a centralised block accommodating pitch associated changing rooms, fitness & rehabilitation spaces;
(b) changes to first floor layout to accommodate sports administration areas and player recreational spaces;
2.External alterations to include:
(a) reduction of overall building footprint;
(b) inclusion of single-storey, flat roof, block of 680sqm sitting outside of the main tensile roof structure to incorporate further changing areas and dedicated entrance lobby;
(c) changes to elevational treatments to reference the material palette and aesthetic of the adjacent and recently completed National Indoor Training Centre building;
(e) 10 no. new fire escape doors to pitch perimeter;
(f) inclusion of Sport Ireland signage to the west elevation;
(g) roof height increase of 0.5m due to requirements of structural strategy;
(h) overhang removed from east elevation;
3.Alterations to the pedestrian access incorporating
(a) new perimeter paths and pedestrian walkways for both access and building maintenance
(b) link access road off Snugborough Road to provide disabled access vehicular drop-off zone and fire vehicle standing zone;
4. Landscape works in association with item (3) above; to include further soft landscaping around the building perimeter.
The above elements involve a total decrease in floor space of 4,600sqm from the approved covered pitch building gross internal floor area of 25,235sqm of the parent permission Reg. Ref: FW09A/0061.
The site is located entirely within the national sports campus bounded by Ballycoolin Road to the north east, Snugborough Road to the north-west, James Connolly Hospital and Abbotstown House (Protected Structure) to the south and M50 motorway to the south-east and is adjacent to the existing National Aquatic Centre.
To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Dublin Applied for on 2018-10-31 take the free trial here.