Amendments to the Phase 2 residential development permitted under Reg. Ref.: SDZ19A/0008, as amended under Reg. Ref. SDZ20A/0014, at a site located in the Tubber Lane Development Area within the Adamstown SDZ, Tubber Lane, Adamstown, Lucan, Co Dublin comprising of modifications to permitted Block A (Units 25-40), Block B (Units 1-24 ), associated revisions to bin storage areas and site layout alterations; alterations to Block A comprising of internal modifications to include removal of bin storage area at ground floor level and revisions to ground floor kitchen/storage/WC layout of the duplex units; revisions to 2nd floor apartments to provide additional study and attic storage area, associated elevational alterations including revised roof profile with minor increase in height and new rooflights, revisions to external finishes and fenestration, and removal of pergolas; alterations to Block B comprising of internal modifications to include removal of bin storage area at ground floor level and revisions to ground floor kitchen/storage/WC layout of the duplex units, revisions to 2nd floor apartments to provide additional study and attic storage area, associated elevational alterations including revised roof profile with minor increase in height and new rooflights, revisions to external finishes and fenestration, and removal of pergolas; revisions to permitted Block A and Block B external bin storage areas; revised turning area and car parking to Hallwell Avenue and associated revisions to public open space; all associated site development and ancillary works. the application site is located to the south of Tubber Lane Road and in the northwest of the Adamstown SDZ lands relating to development within the Adamstown Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) and is subject to the Adamstown Planning Scheme 2014.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2021-07-07 take the free trial here.