Construction of an extension of the existing clubhouse, alterations to the existing elevations and facade and Retention of a number of structures associated with the operation of the golf course on land at Old Head Golf Links. The proposed works comprise the following: (1) An increase of 5 no. bedrooms at lower ground floor, facilitated by internal alterations and the construction of an extension to the south-east of existing clubhouse, with roof garden provided on upper floor. An existing outhouse building to south-east of existing clubhouse will be demolished to facilitate this extension. (2) Construction of an extension to the east of the clubhouse to provide a service yard, larger kitchen and office space for employees. The existing ‘cold store/laundry and general storage building’ will be demolished to facilitate this extension; (3) Construction of an extension of existing clubhouse to the west, at the lower ground floor, to provide a spa with pool; and at the upper floor to increase the area of the existing member’s lounge area; (4) Alteration of the existing southern elevation (at upper ground floor level) with a rectangular extension to increase the area of the existing bar and restaurant, with southern elevation being extended forward onto the upper floor terrace. A smoking shelter and dining pavilion will also be provided at the upper floor; (5) Alterations to the existing northern facade to improve the main reception entrance, to facilitate a drop off area with roundabout to north of clubhouse and to increase area of the shop and store; (6) Alterations are proposed to the north-western facade to increase the area of the changing rooms; (7) Alterations of existing northern facade at lower ground floor; (8) Internal alterations, including removal of walls, are proposed to facilitate over all refurbishment of the existing clubhouse at lower and upper floor levels. Retention structures include 1). Buggy Bunker, 2). Steward’s Storage rooms and pump house, 3). Greenkeeper’s Warehouse, small warehouse/chemical store and workshop at maintenance yard, 4). Caddy Master’s Building, and 5). Half-way hut. An electricity substation will be provided at the maintenance yard to the east of the existing clubhouse. The proposal includes all associated ancillary site development works including landscaping and landscaped mounds, access, parking and drainage.

To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Cork Applied for on 2019-06-17 take the free trial here.

Old Head Golf Links

Plans Applied

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