The proposed development will consist of the demolition of a derelict house and 2 no. sheds, the renovation of existing cottage and shed, and the construction of a new strategic housing development comprising 204 no. dwellings including 98 no. houses and 106 no. duplexes/apartments, with a single storey crèche including the renovation of existing cottage and adjoining shed for the purposes of the ancillary activity area, plant room, store for general use, bins & bike store.
The proposed development will also include the construction of a c.335m long section of link street and the provision of a new right turning lane at the proposed junction on the R445 (Ballymany Road); car parking, bicycle stores and bin stores; improvement works to the existing foul sewer pump station located within the development site; the provision of additional surface water storage capacity and attenuation pond; Landscaping, play areas, boundary treatments and public lighting and all associated and ancillary site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Applied for on 2021-08-06 take the free trial here.