Construction of a single storey discount foodstore (with ancillary off-licence sales), 2,172sqm gross floor space and a restaurant/coffee shop (248sqm); demolition of existing structures including 3 dwelling units; associated building mounted and freestanding advertisement and informational signage, relocated existing billboard sign to western boundary. Provision of surface car park spaces (inc. 2 electrical vehicle charging spaces); a vehicular access point off Galway Road, pedestrian access, boundary treatments; cycle parking spaces; integrated trolley bay enclosure next to the store entrance; hard & soft landscaping, lighting, connections to drainage & water services including storm water drain and foul drain, roof plant to incorporate photovoltaic panes and all other ancillary and associated works including ESB substation building. The development also includes setting aside an area of land to the north west of the site, at a lower ground level for future residential. This area will be levelled and temporarily treated with hard core or grass or a combination of both. There will also be a retaining structure along the northern boundary of the foodstore site, extending around the east and southern boundaries of the residual residential lands.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Westmeath Applied for on 2020-03-16 take the free trial here.