Permission for:
1. Demolition of three-storey detached dwelling (297 sqm) and associated outbuildings.
2. Construction of 5 no. Terraced, three bedroom, three storey pitched roof dwelling houses.
3. Construction of 9 no. Apartments in a four storey building (consisting of 2 no. One bedroom units, 6 no. Two bedroom units and 1 no. Three bedroom penthouse).
4. 20 no. Surface car parking spaces and private amenity open space to each dwelling and landscaped amenity open space for apartments.
5. Extinguish existing vehicular entrance on priory avenue and replace with pedestrian only entrance.
6. New vehicular and pedestrian entrance on grove avenue.
7. New public footpath along grove avenue.
8. Landscaping, tree planning and boundary treatments and associated works.
9. Suds surface water drainage, foul water potable water connections.
10. All ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 2019-03-25 take the free trial here.