Permission for modifications to the development permitted, but not yet constructed, under Reg. Refs. 16/280 and 16/339 which provide for the redevelopment of the Maldron Hotel. The proposed modifications to the permitted scheme will consist of alterations to the configuration of floor space to provide the following: Ground Floor: 6 no. meeting rooms, associated breakout space and circulation corridor, 13 no. additional bedrooms, dry gym, ancillary stores and reconfigured kitchen/bar areas; First Floor: 1 no. additional bedroom, 1 no. linen store, 1 no. store and 1 no. office; Second Floor: 1 no. linen store. Third Floor: 1 no. store. Fourth Floor: 2 no. additional bedrooms and 1 no. linen store. In addition, changes to the external elevations are proposed at the ground floor (new cladding) and fourth floor (new fire exit door). All other aspects of the development permitted under application register references 16/280 and 16/339 will be unaffected. The proposal will result in the provision of a total of 165 no. bedrooms at the hotel, an increase of 16 on those already permitted.

To find out more details on this Hotel & Guesthouse Development in Galway Started on 2017-10-09 take the free trial here.

Maldron Hotel


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