The development will consist of the construction of a new sixteen classroom, three storey, primary school building including a two classroom special needs unit along with all associated site works. Proposed site development works consisting of a new internal circulation road to include parent set-down and collection area, relocation of existing Rush & Lusk Educate Together National School, on site staff parking, provision of 4 no. additional car parking spaces, relocation and amalgamation of Lusk Community College parking. External works are also to include the development of a storm water management system including attenuation and outfall via a previously approved existing outfall to the Bride Stream and new foul sewer connection to the existing public mains, to replace existing connection. The proposal also includes the demolition of the existing temporary school building.
New Primary School with Special Needs Unit
To find out more details on this School Development in Dublin Started on 2021-10-19 take the free trial here.