Permission for the construction of a 100 no. bed space nursing home and 47 no. independent living units and all associated site development works at Clarkes Hill, Rochestown, Co. Cork. The proposed development comprises of (1) The demolition of an existing dwelling and all associated structures, (2) The construction of a 2 storey over basement nursing home building, 20 no. townhouse units, and 27 apartments in 2 no. 3 storey over basement blocks. Photovoltaic panels are proposed at roof level, (3) A new vehicle access onto Clarkes Hill, (4) And all associated landscaping, car parking, bicycle storage and signage. The proposed site development works include: the construction of a ESB substation, 2 no. external bin stores, the installation of an underground water storage tank and external plant enclosure.

To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Cork Applied for on 2021-04-27 take the free trial here.

Clarkes Hill

Plans Applied

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