The development will consist of the construction of 19 no. 2 storey houses, comprising of 2 no. 2-bed semi-detached houses, 6 no. 3-bed detached houses, 4 no. 4-bed detached houses, 4 no. 4-bed semi-detached houses and 3 no. 5-bed detached houses, a new vehicular entrance from the l1007 road, public open space, landscaping, lighting, internal site access roads/verges/footpaths/cyclepaths, vehicular turning circle and access to adjoining agricultural lands/future development, individual and overall site boundary proposals, road/verge/footpath/cyclepath works fronting the application site to the l1007 road plus all associated site development and engineering works and services all on a site 1.41 ha site
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Meath take the free trial here.