Ext. Of Dur. : Protected Structure: The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars and The other members of the Board, of The College of The Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin, intend to apply for permission for development (to be known as The Trinity Business School) at a 0. 518 ha site approximately, within The Campus of Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2. The site is principally bounded by Pearse Street to the north; the existing railway line to the east; existing structures on Pearse street to the west and The Trinity College Campus to the south. The site also includes nos. 183-188 Pearse Street (incl. ) which are protected structures, which will be refurbished as a cafe and student accommodation with related ancillary uses. The development will include the demolition of the following structures; the existing Sports Hall (Luce Hall), the maintenance workshops and first-floor WCS to the rear of nos. 183-188 Pearse Street and the Simon Perry Engineering Building. The development will consist of a business school; innovation and entrepreneurship hub; auditorium; cafe and student accommodation with ancillary administration, staff and student uses. The proposed new building comprises six floors of lecture/office accommodation (25.15 m above ground level) over two basement levels (11,714 sqm Gross Floor Area) linked to Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street. The development will also include the refurbishment, including internal revisions, of Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street, which will be extended at the rear ground floor level to provide cafe use with student accommodation at first (including rear terraces) and second-floor levels (2,441 sqm Gross Floor Area including basement). The development will include the refurbishment of shopfronts to Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street and related elevational works; changes in level; the part infill and deepening of the existing basement to the rear of Nos. 183-188 Pearse Street; minor reconfiguration works at the interfaces between the existing Protected Structures and proposed new development; revised boundary treatment to Pearse Street; landscaping; bicycle parking provision; basement surface water attenuation tanks; plant and storage areas; balconies and terraces; signage; diversion of underground services; set-down areas; ESB substation and all related site development and excavation work above and below ground.
To find out more details on this University Development in Dublin Applied for on 2020-07-17 take the free trial here.