Demolition of existing stand alone prefabricated structures of 358 sqm, the demolition of part of existing building of 673 sqm, refurbishment of existing building of 1180 sqm and construction of a new extension to the school of 2716 sqm. The new extension will include a new main entrance, 12 no. specialist classrooms, general purpose room, staff room, offices, toilets, boiler and plant rooms, circulation, physical education hall and ancillary spaces, external store and covered yard.
Tender for Extension and refurbishment at Sancta Maria College, Louisburgh, County Mayo. The works, as shown on the Tender Drawings, comprise the demolition of part of existing school building, the refurbishment of the remaining building and the construction of a new extension including new Entrance, Atrium/G.P. Hall, Teaching Spaces, Physical Education Hall, Administrative and Ancillary Spaces, Storage and Circulation. Works will also include mechanical and electrical installations and site works for provision of new access roads, set down and car parking areas, hard and soft landscaping, play areas, services and new infrastructure to the school.
To find out more details on this School Development in Mayo Started on 2017-06-29 take the free trial here.