Planning permission at 60-63 Dawson Street and 3 Duke Lane (Hibernian House); 64-65 Dawson Street and 34-39 Nassau Street (Hibernian Corner) and 40-43 Nassau Street (Nassau House), Dublin 2.

The proposed development will consist of external and internal amendments to a previously permitted development under DCC Reg. Ref. 3847/16 (ABP Ref. PL29S.248181) together with the omission of Condition 7 attached (and consequential amendment of Condition 8 attached, which refers to Condition 7) through a revised design of shopfronts at ground floor level to include for framing within which external signage can be applied at fascia level. Details of such signage will be the subject of separate planning application(s) for the consideration and approval of the Planning Authority.

Other external alterations include the provision of a revised rooftop layout to provide an increased open rooftop plant area (increase of approximately 369 sq.m in area) to accommodate relocated internal plant from 5th floor level. It is also proposed to increase the height of the permitted plant screen from a permitted level of 34.05m to a height ranging between level 34.7m and 35.0m (an increase ranging between 0.65m and 0.95m in height). A revised elevational treatment to both the Nassau Street and Dawson Street elevations together with amended corner treatment to main retail entrance and revised office entrance onto Dawson Street is proposed.

The proposed internal alterations include a reduction in the extent of the previously approved basement and a revised configuration/layout of the basement to provide revised circulation cores; changing facilities; bicycle storage provision; store rooms; and car parking layout.

The proposed number of car parking spaces is reduced from 44 spaces to 30 spaces and the number of bicycle parking spaces is reduced from 172 spaces to 170 spaces. Provision is made for 9 no. motorcycle parking spaces at basement level. Reduction in the extent of the lower ground floor level to include a reduction of Retail Unit 3 by approximately 253 sq.m (GFA).

General reconfiguration of ground floor layout to provide reconfigured main office entrance, foyer layout and goods lift and relocation of double doors onto Dawson Street in a position north of its permitted location. Changes to the configuration of the main retail entrance onto the corner of Nassau and Dawson Streets and the layout of retail units to include the provision of 4 No. retail units at ground floor level in addition to the retained, existing Unit 2 at 60-63 Dawson Street that will continue to be used as a creperie/restaurant pursuant to DCC Planning Permission Ref. 4898/04.

Alteration to first floor layout to retail units, including the relocation of the void above the revised office foyer location at ground floor level below and a reduction of approximately 27 sq.m (GFA) of retail floorspace.

Alteration to second, third and fourth floor office layouts to provide a reduced atrium and increased office floor space and omission and relocation of internal plant at fifth floor level to roof top level together with a commensurate change of use to office floorspace to provide an additional 241 sq.m of office floorspace at 5th floor level.

In the interest of clarity, the proposed amendments would result in an overall reduction of floor space from an approved 22,837 sq.m (GFA) to 22,268 sq.m (GFA) – a reduction of 569 sq.m (GFA). However, the proposed amendments would result in an overall increase of approximately 473 sq.m (GFA) in office floorspace and a reduction in retail floorspace by approximately 255 sq.m (GFA) due to proposed internal amendments and reconfigured layouts.

To find out more details on this Office Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-05-23 take the free trial here.

60 - 65 Dawson Street

Plans Granted

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