(1) Demolition of existing HGV/Truck Maintenance Garage & adjoining Two Storey and Single Storey Storage Buildings
(2) Demolition of existing Two -Storey & Three Storey Building comprising of Ground Floor Grocery Shop, Storage Areas & Offices, First & Second Floor Administration Offices, Meeting Rooms, Archive Storage Rooms, Canteen & Toilets
(3) Demolition of Existing Open Sided Timber Storage Building
(4) Demolition of existing Filling Station, Fuel Pumps and Canopy including adjoining Ground & First Floor Storage Buildings
(5) Demolition of existing Single Storey Offices and Storage Building,
(6) Construction of a new Two Storey Office building comprising of new Administration Offices, Meeting Rooms and Staff Facilities
(7) Construction of a new single storey Grocery Shop, Fuel Pumps, Forecourt Area and Canopy
(8) Material change of use of existing Storage Building to HGV/Truck Maintenance Garage & Ancillary Storage Area,
(9) Relocation of existing site entrances/formation of new site entrances from the Public Road to provide for a new entrance to the proposed Office Building, new entrance to the proposed Grocery Shop and Forecourt Area, new entrance to the existing Agric & Retail Store and a new entrance to the proposed HGV Maintenance Garage Area
(10) All associated works including signage, new concrete, and tarmac yard areas, new car parking areas, boundary treatments including perimeter fencing, footpaths & access gates, stone boundary walls, soft landscaping, drainage works all ancillary works required to integrate the proposed works with the existing facilities on the existing site.

To find out more details on this Service Station Development in Cork Applied for on 2021-05-14 take the free trial here.

Lisavaird Co-Op Facility

Plans Applied

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