Permission for development at site which is bordered by the N33 to the North and by Sean O'Carroll Street to the west. The development will consist of the construction of a single storey supermarket ( to include off licence use) with a gross floor area of 2,950 sq.m. (net retail area 2,000 sq.m.) The proposed development will be served by 146 no. car parking spaces and 26 no. bicycle spaces. The proposed development includes all landscaping, boundary treatment, internal distributor roads, engineering and site development works. The proposed development includes 6 no. signs in total, comprising of 2 no. illuminated gable signs on the north-east elevation, 1 no. illuminated sign on the south west elevation, 1 no. illuminated sign on the north west elevation and 2 no. illuminated signs at roof level on the north east and south west elevations. It is proposed to access the site from an existing roundabout on Sean O'carroll Street (which links with the N33 to the north).

To find out more details on this Retail Development in Louth Granted permission on 2015-08-25 take the free trial here.


Plans Granted

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