The construction of 13 no. housing/accommodation units comprising 12 no. 2.5 storey 3-bedroom units and 1 no. 3 storey 4-bedroom unit. Vehicular access to the development will be from the Maynooth Road. The proposed development also provides for 24 no. car parking spaces, a bin storage unit, a general storage unit, landscaping, boundary treatments, vehicular and pedestrian site access, bicycle parking and all associated site development works including service connections, foul and surface water drainage / attenuation and water supply/storage. On a total site area of approx. 2.02ha (4.99 acres). Planning permission was previously granted on this site for an apart-hotel containing 30 no. units – planning reference RA151320 (as amended by RA170101) refers. The proposed development is located within the curtilage of a protected structure (Dunboyne Castle)
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Meath Granted permission on 2022-03-23 take the free trial here.