Permission is sought for: Alterations to Memorial Hall, within the curtilage of a protected structure, to include subdivision of the existing 2-storey (double height) theatre at ground floor level to form 2 no. 72 seat lecture theatres and ancillary spaces; Provision of a new first floor level, of additional 464 sq.m., to provide 1 no. 128 seat lecture theatre and ancillary spaces, for a total of 272no. teaching spaces within the existing hall; Structural roof modifications to retain the existing external parapet level; New internal fire escape stairs with external modifications to increase roof level locally; 2 no. new external window opes to match existing at the Southwest elevation; Minor alterations to existing plant rooms.Alterations to the adjacent single storey, ground floor level link lobby to form 2no. new door opes to the Commons Room, a protected structure; new 66sq.m. glazed extension to the North side of the link lobby with associated flat roof alterations adjacent to the Commons Room to provide ancillary spaces, with associated alterations to drainage, at and adjoining Memorial Hall.
To find out more details on this University Development in Dublin Started on 2014-03-12 take the free trial here.