A residential development on a site of c.1.78 acres (c.0.72 hectares). The development will include the construction of 20 no. two storey 3 and 4 bedroom houses and will consist of 1 no. 3 bedroom detached; 14 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached; 1 no. 4 bedroom detached and 4 no. 4 bedroom semi-detached houses with a total floor area of 2421.5 sq.m. 2 no. car parking spaces will be provided for each house with a total of 40 no. parking spaces. The development will also include closing off an existing access to the site and providing a new road access off the Swords Road as granted permission under reg. ref. F04A/0556, F06A/0109, F07A/1344 and F07A/1345, public open space, landscaping, boundary treatments, drainage, utility services and associated site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2014-03-24 take the free trial here.