Construction of a new 1 storey (197ssqm) analytical laboratory extension to the existing production and admin facility on the west side of the building. It also includes a new single storey (115sqm) extension to the existing locker/changing area to the north and relocation of 63 car paking spaces within the existing car park demise. The proposed laboratory building will be linked via corridors to the existing producation and admin building. This application proposes a parapet height of 7. 15m above grade. The proposal will include a 3m fume discharge and room condensers at roof level. The proposed locker extension will include for a parapet of 5. 8m above grade to tie in with the existing facility. This is a site to which the chemical act (control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances) regulations 2015 (s. I 209 of 2015) apply.
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Mayo Started on 2018-01-31 take the free trial here.