1 No. block (known as Block H) of 8 storeys over three basement levels providing for 396 no. car parking spaces and with a gross floor area of 13,705 sq.m. This block is provided as a replacement for a Block H (15,015sq.m) granted planning permission under Register Ref. D98A/0886 and is of a similar overall height and layout. There is a reduction in floor area of 1,310 sq.m compared to the previously permitted Block H. Planning permission is also sought for the provision of an enlarged landscaped plaza area of 2,000 sq.m fronting onto the pedestrian boulevard as part of the development of Block H and the creation of a new east/west pedestrian link through the site which will replace the car park access ramp to Block G as permitted under planning register ref.: D03A/0313 and D08A/0314. The development also consists of modifications to Block G permitted under planning register ref.: D03A/0313 as amended under planning register ref.: D08A/0314 to provide for an increase in floor area from 16,680 sq.m as permitted to 17,990 sq.m as proposed. This represents an increase of 1,310 sq.m. This increase in floor area is achieved by way a reduction in the size of t“he atrium space at ground to seventh floor level and an extension of the permitted floor plates westwards at ground to seventh floor with resultant changes to the south and west elevations. Planning permission is also sought for the modification of Block G to (i) provide a second central vertical core incorporating new lifts, stairs and toilets on all floors including basement and lower basement levels and the provision of additional plant at roof level; (ii) relocation and reconfiguration of the 3 no. ESB substations at ground floor; (iii) the continuation of the north-western lift core to basement and lower basement level; (iv) minor layout changes to shower and changing rooms at basement level; (v) the relocation and reconfiguration of the 2 no. plant rooms at lower basement level as permitted under D08A/0314 and the provision of 1 no. additional plantroom at basement level and 2 no. additional plantrooms at lower ground; (vi) the addition of 3 no. plantroom(s) at lower basement with void overhead at lower basement (lower ground floor level) to accommodate the ESB switchrooms; (vii) the omission of the car park access ramps at ground, basement and lower basement level and the reconfiguration of access routes and car park layouts at basement and lower basement levels and changes to ground floor layouts and northern elevation as a result of the omission of the access ramp. Vehicular access to and between basement levels of Block G will be via the new ramps proposed under Block H; and (viii) a reduction in the number of car parking spaces in the basement levels from 213 no. as permitted to 163 no. There will be no alteration in the overall gross floor area of development previously permitted for Blocks G and H. The revised blocks will have a combined gross floor area of 31,695 sq.m as originally permitted. A total of 516 no. car parking spaces will be provided in 2 basement levels under Block G and 3 basement levels under Block H. This is a reduction of 38 no. car parking spaces from that permitted under the original grant of planning permission for Block H (planning register refs.: D98A/0886) and for Block G (planning register ref.: D03A/0313 and D08A/0314). A total of 397 no. bicycle spaces are provided at basement levels under Blocks G and H.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2018-09-06 take the free trial here.