Modifications to the previously permitted primary care centre permitted under permission reg. Ref. 3366/14 consisting of a single storey extension and the enlargement of the pharmacy and sub-division of the gp clinics all at ground floor level, an extension to the basement, alterations to the permitted north, south, east and west elevations, alterations to the permitted north, south, east and west courtyard elevations, provision of lift overrun at roof level and modifications to the internal layouts at basement, ground, first and second floor levels. The modifications at basement level consist of the provision of additional area of 172 sqm and the relocation of the external escape stairs from the south to the east elevation. The modifications at ground floor level consist of rotating the esb sub-station to face north, the provision of an additional area of 22 sqm in the form of a single storey extension to the east elevation, the provision of a side entrance to the east elevation, the provision of a floor to the lightwell to create a courtyard and the provision for 6 no. access door off this, the enlargement of the pharmacy and the sub-division of the GP Clinics. The modifications at First & Second Floor levels consist of changes to the internal room layouts only.

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