For a two storey extension to their existing research and development facility to accommodate a pilot plant, laboratories, storage, dryer and wet process rooms, associated equipment and roof mounted air handling equipment. Alterations to the existing research and development facility to accommodate the extension that includes an increase in the first-floor area, alterations to northern and western elevations and installation of roof-mounted air handling equipment. An extension to an existing carpark north of the site. A new carpark south of the site. Associated site works including a pipe bridge, earthworks retaining walls, pedestrian routes, drains and services including car park lighting. The extension and alterations to the existing research & development facility will provide a controlled and hygienic environment for product testing and development. The new car parks north and south of the plant will replace parking spaces (57 no. Spaces) removed to facilitate the extension to
To find out more details on this Factory Development in Kilkenny Granted permission on 2019-11-12 take the free trial here.