1. Construct a spectator shelter walling with canopy abutting the southern main stand. 2. Construct a two storey extension to the side of existing building on the northern gable consisting of (a) Ground Floor: Extension to existing dressing rooms to include new shower/toilet block, multi purpose sports hall, running track, meeting room and store; (b) First Floor: Gymnasium and press box. 3. Construct 4 column/20 metre high pitch lighting for main pitch. 4. Extend and renovate existing ladies and gents toilet block. 5. Extend existing public toilet and store at the main southern entrance, renovate existing building and turn stiles including new roof. 6. Construct new machinery store at northern side of site to the rear of main pitch, demolish existing machinery store at rear of existing hurling wall on the northern end of site and complete all associated site development works.

To find out more details on this Sport & Leisure Development in Roscommon Granted permission on 2017-11-22 take the free trial here.

Padraig Pearses GAA Club

Plans Granted

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