Strategic Housing Development
The development will consist of the provision of 133 no. residential units comprising 117 no. terraced, detached and semi-detached two storey houses (21 no. two bed units, 48 no. three bed units and 48 no. four bed units); 16 no. duplex apartments in 2 no. three storey blocks (8 no. two bed and 8 no. three bed apartments).
The main vehicular access to the development will be provided from the existing roundabout junction at the R764 to the west of the site. Provision for future pedestrian connections to adjoining lands is also proposed at the northern and eastern site boundaries. Existing residential boundaries along the western side of the R764 (including the boundary of Dawn Cottage – a Protected Structure) are proposed to be realigned to provide for a footpath into the centre of Ashford town. Associated upgrades to 2 no. pedestrian crossings are also proposed.
Associated infrastructural site and drainage works include foul and surface water drainage, 2 no. attenuation tanks; 263 no. car parking spaces, 4 no. bin and cycle stores, 1 no. bin store, and 2 no. ESB substations. The proposal includes all other landscaping, servicing and associated works above and below ground.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Wicklow Applied for on 2020-06-01 take the free trial here.