The construction of a single storey discount foodstore of 1,436 sqm gross floor area (990 sqm net) including the sale of alcohol for consumption off the premises; 72no. Car parking spaces; 13no. Bicycle stands; loading bay; external plant; bin store; ESB substation; trolley bay; set down area; height restriction barriers; signage; attenuation area and all associated boundary treatments, landscaping, lighting and site development works on a site of 0. 5142ha (1.270 acres) at Fairfields at the rear of the mart site, Rossa Road, Bridge Street, Mardyke Street, in the townland of Coronea, Skibbereen, Co. Cork. The development will also consist of the construction of a new access road off Rossa Road.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Cork Started on 2016-06-03 take the free trial here.