The development will consist of the demolition of buildings to the north-east of the existing nursing home accommodation and the provision of a new three and two storey building which will provide nursing home bedrooms and support accommodation in line with contemporary standards. The new building will integrate with the existing three-storey building to the front of the site. Buildings to be demolished include the existing single storey chapel, glazed link, single storey kitchen, two storey administration buildings, single storey residential building, two storey residential building and part of the single storey maintenance building to the north of the site. The proposals include amendments to the elevations and internal layouts of existing two-storey buildings to the south-west of the site for convent use as residential and administration buildings for the Sisters of Nazareth. The proposals also include minor modifications to the vehicular access, internal road layout and landscaping layout. The capacity of the nursing home will be increased from 87 beds to 120, all of which will be single occupancy, ensuite in line with contemporary standards. Twenty two additional car parking spaces are proposed bringing the total number of spaces from 47 to 69. The site adjoins the casino at Marino, a National Monument. Heights of new buildings are kept below existing ridge heights such that there is no adverse visual impact of the Nursing Home from the viewing area within the Casino.
To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Started on 2016-05-09 take the free trial here.