The development will consist of an extension to existing purpose-built student accommodation at Trinity Hall with an overall gross floor area (GFA) of approximately 10,982sqm (over a part lower ground floor level plant area of 55sqm GFA and excluding security hut 10sqm GFA) providing a total of 358 no. purpose-built student bed spaces together with complementary and ancillary uses. The proposed development consists of:

• Demolition of Cunningham House, the Sports Hall (including the removal of existing part basement of 104sqm), the eastern section of the existing rear boundary wall and associated single storey ancillary sheds within the curtilage of Greenane House (a Protected Structure) (c.2,864sqm total GFA to be demolished).

• Provision of 4 no. connected blocks arranged in a quadrangle form: Block A ranges in height from four to eight storeys; Block B is four storeys in height; Block C is three storeys in height while the Forum Block is single storey in height (partially double height space rising to a maximum height of 9.6m above adjoining ground level).

• 358 no. purpose-built student bed spaces comprising of 11 no. 5-bedroom units; 4 no. 6-bedroom units; 1 no. 7-bedroom unit and 34 no. 8-bedroom units together with ancillary student amenity spaces.

• 4 no. staff apartments (3 no. 2-bedroom apartments and 1 no. 3-bedroom apartment) with wintergardens/balconies on south elevation of Block A and north and west elevation of Block C.

• 2 no. study spaces/classrooms providing a total of 68sqm gross floor area.

• A replacement multi-use Sports Hall, together with the adjoining Forum amenity space, resulting in a total area of 1,033sqm.

• Outdoor amenity spaces within the central courtyard together with enhanced public realm and landscaping works within the curtilage of Oldham and Greenane House (both Protected Structures) and a restricted access outdoor space at podium level above the Forum Block.

• 188 no. bicycle parking spaces within the application site.

• Single storey security hut at the main vehicular entrance to Trinity Hall from Dartry Road (10sqm GFA).

• Minor repositioning of the existing access gate onto Temple Road, moving it 4.2m westward, to facilitate maintenance and emergency access only, together with associated repair works to existing boundary wall.

• Works to Oldham House (a Protected Structure) to include works necessary for the demolition and replacement of late 20th century Sports Hall (directly abutting Oldham House); replacement of late 20th century existing doors and window at ground floor level (all on the east elevation only) to facilitate connections to the new Forum amenity space; reinstatement of 2 No. original, historic first floor rear window openings (east elevation only) to match existing adjacent, sash windows and 1 no. new door to provide access to proposed roof terrace; removal of existing sand/cement and gypsum plaster finish to east façade and replacement with lime render; and renovation of porch structure, stairs and first floor door on southern elevation.

• Provision of a screen wall to the south of Greenane House (a Protected Structure).

• All associated and ancillary landscaping works; site lighting; refuse storage; boundary treatments; plant; solar photovoltaic panels; water, wastewater and surface water works; upgrade works to existing electrical substation and all other site and development works

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Cunningham House

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