(i) the construction of builder merchants building (1,276.02sqm)/external storage and security hut (11.12sqm) provision of 7 no. External storage racking units (ranging in height from 3.5m – 5m) and new concrete yard.
(ii) 11 no. Parking spaces and cycle parking spaces.
(iii) 2 no. 4.4m high new totem signs on the north-eastern section of the site, each with an area of 4sqm.
(iv) 2. 4m high palisade fence around the boundary of the site.
(v) Provision of stormtech water management system, 225mm storm pipes with concrete surrounds, underground storm drainage 150mm pipe and overground storm drainage 150mm pipe, foul drainage and 2 no. Aco channels.
(vi) creation of new vehicular entrance to site at the northern boundary; and, (vii) all associated site development/landscaping and suds drainage works necessary to facilitate the development.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Wicklow take the free trial here.