Residential development on a site at Station Road. The site contains a residential dwelling known as Dun Dearg na Saille. The subject site is located to the east of The Kilns and to the west of The Links. The proposal is for the demolition of the existing two storey dwelling on site and the provision of a residential development consisting of 121 no. dwelling units consisting of 65 no. houses and 56 no apartments to be provided as follows: -18 no. 3 bed two storey houses (9 no. Type 1A and 9 no. Type 1B); -45 no. 4 bed two and a half storey houses (14 no. Type 2A, 6 no. Type 2B, 11 no. Type 2C, 4 no. Type 2D, 2 no. Type 3A, 5 no. type 4A, 1 no. Type 4B, 1 no. Type 4C and 1 no. Type 4D); -2 no. 5 bed two and a half storey houses (1 no. Type 3B and 1 no. Type 3C); -A four storey apartment building (consisting of a north, south and centre block), over one level of basement car park, containing 54 no. 2 bed apartments and 2 no. 3 bed apartments, and which includes balconies/terraces. The development also includes vehicular and pedestrian access from Station Road, all associated site and infrastructural works, including foul and surface water drainage, surface and underground car parking, open space, landscaping, boundary treatments, bin stores, an electricity sub-station, internal roads and footpaths, and two no. temporary marketing/sales signs all on a site area of approximately 2.38 hectares.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2017-06-28 take the free trial here.