Permission for development at this c. 0.11 ha site. The development will consist of a new 8 no. storey extension to the existing Beacon Hospital and Beacon One Apartment Complex (6,063 sq.m). The proposed development will provide a 5,746 sqm 70 no. bed hospital extension, with new accident and emergency facilities, oncology facilities and associated in-patient treatment rooms. It will also separately provide 4 no. new apartment units (3 No. 1 bedroom units and 1 no. studio unit) totalling 317 sqm at level +02 to Beacon One Apartment Complex, accessible via the existing northern access at level +01 at Beacon One. The substantive demolition of the existing 8 no. storey Beacon Hotel (4,431 sq m) from ground (level +01) and related site clearance works, is required in order to facilitate this development.

The development will also include ancillary administration offices; staff and patient facilities including a staff and patient cafe; connections to the existing Hospital at levels +03 to +08; extension of existing lift shafts and stair cores; the reconfiguration of the existing basement car park at level -01 to provide additional secure cycle parking spaces, EV car charging facilities at 5 no. existing car parking spaces; an elevator lift pit and removal of a now redundant stair core.

The development will also include signage; internal wayfinding; public lighting; plant and associated screening; all piped infrastructure and ducting: services provision; boundary treatments; hard and soft landscaping; changes in elevation including the provision of an additional residential balcony at level +02; site services; public realm improvements; green roofs; and all associated site development and excavation works above and below ground. In the interest of clarity, the existing 2 no. storey flat archway, which serves the Beacon Court internal courtyard for general pedestrian access, drop offs, deliveries and emergency vehicle access to Beacon Court from Blackthorn Drive will remain in place in the new proposal and will continue to serve the general population of Beacon Court and no changes are proposed to existing access arrangements, internal roads and pathways.

To find out more details on this Hospital Development in Dublin Granted permission on 2022-01-20 take the free trial here.

The Beacon Hotel

Plans Granted

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