Permission for development at a site at Wolfe Tone Lofts (formerly known as Stafford house), 32-36 Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1.
The development will consist of the change of use from retail use to licensed restaurant use at ground floor level (approximately 1,085sqm gross floor area) together with associated modifications to facilitate restaurant use including:
Amendments to the internal layout; incorporation of additional bin storage area at basement level, resulting in the loss of 2 no. Car parking spaces (total basement car parking reduced from 29 no. To 27 no. spaces); incorporation of air handling equipment and extraction system plant within the unit; upgrade of existing shopfront onto Wolfe Tone Street including the incorporation of new ventilation louvers; replacement of existing louvers onto Jervis lane and including all other associated and ancillary works.
To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Started on 2018-09-14 take the free trial here.