The development comprises 42 houses and 54 apartments in three blocks comprised of the following: 8 no. Four-bedroom two storey houses, 2 no. Four-bedroom three storey houses, 28 no. Three-bedroom two storey houses and 4 no. Two-bedroom two storey houses; apartment block a comprises 5 no. One-bedroom apartments, 11 no. Two-bedroom apartments and 5 no. Three-bedroom apartments in four storeys plus penthouse; apartment block b comprises 4 no. One-bedroom, 9 no. Two-bedroom and 5 no. Three-bedroom apartments in three storeys plus penthouse; apartment block c comprises 4 no. One-bedroom, 10 no. Two-bedroom and 1 no. Three-bedroom apartments in three storeys plus penthouse. The development includes all associated site works and infrastructure which includes new road connections and ancillary works to the millers glen development, landscaped open space, internal roads, paths, public lighting, utilities, drainage and surface water attenuation. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 2018-07-30 take the free trial here.