Permission for proposed development will consist of the change of use of the existing retail area at first floor level for sports educational and training purposes and for use as an examination hall and the change of use of the existing playing pitch area and associated changing area at ground floor level to include sports educational and training uses and exam hall use. The proposed development will also consist of a new pedestrian access off Bothar na Feirme, the removal of an existing vehicular access along the western boundary, the reduction of 79 no. car parking spaces and the reconfiguration of the existing car parking layout, the repositioning of the existing bus lay-by to provide for a dedicated cycle parking area, elevational changes including the erection of 4 new fascia signs, the construction of a new boundary wall to the north and west in addition to landscaping and all site development works.
To find out more details on this University Development in Louth Granted permission on 2015-04-30 take the free trial here.